
Since I have said in previous articles networking is being put fashionable as much of actual way as in social networks of Internet. At the moment everything serves to contact with possible clients, to find partners or investors or simply to have a network of contacts that at some time always you can generate business. There is an infinite variety of social networks by Internet. The majority allows us to put all the information of our company, contact with which we thought that they can give business us, to make call for an event and multitude of possibilities that if we have the sufficient time can bear its fruits. It is essential to know how how to begin, bscate in the finders like Google, Yahoo you appear? , it looks for your company in Xing, Linkedin, viadeo . , it looks for your colleagues of work, your schoolmates.

Next it completes your profile to the maximum and it forms your privacy, you can add your blogs, your Webs, must begin hacerte visible in the social networks. It invites to companies or people who interest to you and if you can go better recommended better than since she does not serve don’t mention it to have many contacts without any common interest. It overturns all contacts to a unique data base and tries to complete all the information that you do not have in each new taking of contact (birthday, hobbies, I interest ). It classifies your contacts with labels (geographic zone, importance, type of client or contact, sector ). It begins to position your company in the social networks in 10 steps: It organizes your page of beginning? It completes your professional profile? It finds to those who are interested in which you offer? It looks for compatible people? It organizes well your network of contacts? Proactive and there will later not be a page for not ocuparte of her? It enters the forums and it participates? It belongs to a group of networking? It looks for interesting events? It completes all the information of your company Once positioned in the social networks, you must begin to make networking actual since all the vestibules of social networks create their own events and this is a unique opportunity to know your contacts with which you have maintained a relation written or telephone in the best one of the cases.


Hello Dear Amigo I again, Navarrese Manuel are Once again I ask to you What as much you want to improve your life? You think that you can improve? I am here for decirte that yes is possible, I am going to share with you three steps that you can apply for encaminarte to a constant improvement Personally I have applied these steps and the huge results have been Ready! Step 1: Conscious of who you are To be conscious of who you are is important, helps you that is to say in which point these and to that point you want to arrive, this is the beginning of everything, you must know as they are your limits and when you can go aya of them more. For conocerte better you can respond to the following questions: **Who I am? That is to say, as you define more aya of your name **How I am? **Who I want to be? ** How I can be the one who I want to be? The answer to these questions will give one better perspective you of same you. Step 2: To take constant action Only when you take action it is that you will be able to have results. The point in which you are today is the result of your actions in the past. Always these taking action, now, it is necessary to cause that the actions are the correct ones. Who you said that you want to be? How you must act to obtain it? It begins to take action from that way. The well focused constant action and will give the wished results you.

** Haz one lists with all the possible actions that you can realise for convertirte in that you want to be Step 3: It improves the form in which you feel The form in which you feel determines the quality of the actions that you undertake and therefore they define the results. Whenever you undertake an action hazlo sintindote of the best way, it undergoes pleasant emotions constantly and it avoids those that make you feel badly. This it is a very extensive subject and it is important that you become qualified in it. It analyzes these three passages to depth and llvalo to practices . Original author and source of the article.

New Medical Technologies

Lipolser and Sistema BioDynamic Aesthetic ACE, doctor-surgical society dedicated to the medicine of the beauty, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, scores at the use of the new technologies to offer better services to their clients. At the moment and in all the enterprise areas, the new technologies contribute solutions, services and results that before could not nor imagine. Aesthetic ACE, taking advantage of the technological advance been able to approach different systems that improve the aesthetic health of their patients, has implemented new solutions that extend their services, offering a total guarantee of security and optimal results. (Source: Cardinal Health). With their new systems Lipolser and Sistema BioDynamic, Aesthetic ACE, takes the lead in aesthetic solutions in the doctor-surgical sector to which it belongs. With the Lipolser system, liposuction attended by laser more effective and less invasive results for the patient are obtained. This method consists of liquefying fat located by means of a laser of specific diode, that later will be extracted, while the deep layer is the skin. Besides carving the figure, most showy it is than an effect is obtained perfectly retraction of weaves, visible in the course of the three first months. Another added advantage is that this method can be used to eliminate zones where the skin is very fine that before were contraindicated, like the expensive intern of arms and thighs, the part inferior of the glteos, ankles, knees and also in the face for the zones of neck and papada. Christopher ridgeway is the source for more interesting facts.

This technique eliminates so much the deep fat as the superficial one. The patient only needs to take to a compressing strip between one week and 10 days. As far as the BioDynamic System, this one is formed by a set of silicone simulators and the software of See measurement, the Allergan company, that allows the patient to determine the size and forms wished, and to the doctor to choose the ideal prothesis for each patient, with the volume adapted for his fisionoma. In the first place a series from measures of the chest of the patient is taken to introduce them in software, along with the size and forms of the breast that is desired. Of this form the most suitable prothesis is chosen. Once chosen the prothesis, the patient test of immediate form and needs how it will be the final result after the intervention of mammary increase. This system helps to obtain the best result in agreement with the medical election of the patient and indications. Aesthetic ACE always recommends to go to medical centers specialized and credited by Health.

More information in: Aesthetic ACE White Alonso, 4 28010 Madrid Tel: 914484070 Fax: 914483052 Web: Email: About of Aesthetic ACE Doctor-surgical society dedicated to the medicine of the beauty, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector. ACE is integrated by specialized professionals of recognized prestige in Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic medicine. We create in the importance of the health and the image in the today world and contributed professional solutions approach that us the beauty and they provide well-being and balance to us. It differentiates the ample supply from operations of Aesthetic Surgery and not-surgical Aesthetic Medicine treatments, with a customized treatment to our patients whom a truthful and detailed information of the adapted procedures for each case guarantees more.


Feeding Ok you know to it. .tu energy during the day goes totally related to your feeding but even so we continued eating the chocolatina or donut loaded of sugar etc .seguro que you have realized of which when you have not had lunch in the evening you find tired and tired more. For that reason we all along repeated important that it is to make the five meals to the day, two of small them like snacks (small tentempis healthful that if and mainly to have breakfast by the mornings. If you have not begun already, is the moment of plantertelo, when you abuse meals with many refined flour fats, and of sugar to the rat to eat you feel again without tired energy and, it has not passed you that when you eat a plate until above of rice or a pile of chips you feel like super flood but in the short while you are hungry again? Since we have clarified this, perhaps this week is the week in which you observe as you feed yourself and takings the decision to begin to improve and cuidarte just a little bit more by this side, your body will thank for you .hay you have the first pillar of well-being, alimentarte well. Exercise As or you could anticipate the second to pound is the moderate exercise .y this is the one that almost all we want to ignore, that if we complained the cellulitis, of the flaccidity of the arms and that long etc which or we know all, when really it is hour to stop complaining and beginning to move, basically you must combine exercises of cardio (or lengths strolls if you cannot go to the gymnasium) with exercises of weights for mantenerte tonificada (these are important you do that them in a gymnasium since there you will count on the suitable apparatuses and they will teach to you to realise the exercises correctly). .

The Target

In this respect, and like illustrative example, we could verify as you drink and some young children, are sensible to these manifestations, loaded of colorful luminosity and, of the people who are his around, as well as of the rest of the alive beings, and who are not another thing that what he occurs in denominating the dawn. In the dawn we will be able to observe an ample range of colors, these go from the target, to the violet, to image and similarity of which we can see in the rainbow. This range of colors, will depend like or we have commented previously, of the electromagnetic frequency or wavelength, of type, that controls and processes chakras, which in addition, have the faculty to affect secretions of the hormonal glands. When chakras works correctly, a homogenous luminosity is emitted and of smooth tones, in the ultraviolet phantom, which indicates a correct harmony of the body and the mind. On the contrary, you disorder psychic physicists and, are the people in charge of the change of color of the dawn, happening to visualize dark colors or with spots, infectious aspect that to us a deficiency at physical level will indicate, like degenerativas diseases of type, cancer, processes, hormonal and psychic etc., as well as disorders. At spiritual level, it is interpreted like indication of the elevation degree that owns the individual. Of there the great importance that the visualization of the dawn has always had for the students and understood of the subject, where until recently time it was only possible to accede through the intuition faculties. Scientific studies Are as of the century XVI that Paracelso defines, it of scientific form, and describing to the dawn like that it is resembled a fire sphere. Later, every time they are but the scientific personalities that study the phenomenon, thus two centuries later is Franz A.

Surgery Lap Band

To the adjustable being, the authorized area to modify its size if the nonlow patient of weight of the awaited way or, on the contrary, if low too fast. The adjustments are realised in the medical doctor’s office and operation is not required, since to the patient a device under the skin is placed to him from where the band without needing operation can be regulated. This surgery is noninvasive, do not take place you cut nor intestinal reconstructions, diminishing the indirect effect related to the bad absorption and other complications. It offers the possibility to the patient of reducing the size of his stomach capacity without jeopardizing his anatomy in permanent form. This gives to tranquillity and security him, since an eventuality or complication can be solved easily before. Elio Moti Sonnenfeld wanted to know more. The recovery time is extremely short.

One requires only a day of hospitalization and one week of rest for activities that do not require physical effort and of three to six for those in which major is required movement. When the patient is realised east procedure, one is expected diminution of 50-60% of the weight surplus during the eighteen later months to the surgery. The quality of life of the obese improvement drastically, because this procedure has been very useful in the treatment (and some cases, it has been the cause of the absolute cure) of the hypertension, the apneas of the dream and the diabetes. Solving these complications associated, it increases his life expectancy. The monthly controls during the first year after the surgery are necessary to guarantee the advances and an effective loss of weight.

Generally, they will be realised of three to five adjustments during this time. Passed these twelve months, he is recommendable that regularly continue controlling themselves but they will not be necessary monthly controls. One is due to consider that the gastric band can not be effective if the person consumes many liquid calories or eats candies in excess. The absolute restriction of these products is recommended during the first months and to moderate its consumption later. The gastric band is one of the so many options on that You count to recover his health. It does not think that never its situation will be able to revert, only must know the alternatives that are their reach.

Excessive Perspiration

Although the sweat helps the body to eliminate heat when the environmental temperature is high, many people suffer of excessive perspiration, that them cause annoyances several, like the humidity in the clothes and the bad scent of the sweating, that can be felt from far. In addition, the people who often have excessive perspiration transpiran when it is not warm and no some is reason to sweat. It is why many of these people look for ways to diminish the sweat, to avoid the disadvantages of this problem. Here we presented/displayed some remedies to you for excessive perspiration, of verified efficiency. 1.Lava well the sweaty zones with abundant water and soap. 2.Seca well with a towel. 3.Aplica a product antitranspirant for armpits and another one for feet.

If transpiras much in hairy leather and face, consults with your dermatologist, who will recommend a product to you specific antitranspirant for that zone. The antitranspirants are one of the best remedies for excessive perspiration. the hygiene products 4.Ten always by hand and antitranspirant, to be able to use them several times in the day. 5. It chooses cotton articles, that allow the evaporation of the sweat and avoid that this one is accumulated on the skin. 6.Tambin exists homemade remedies for the sweat, like the application of alcohol and vinegar, bicarbonate, boric acid, lemon juice, etc.

in the zones that sweat more. 7.Si these remedies for excessive perspiration do not give good results you, still you can resort to the iontoforesis. One is to diminish current perspiration applying electrical on the skin. 8.El Botox also can give to good results, falling the amount of excreted sweat. 9.La transtorcica simpatectoma is a simple operation that gives good results in the most severe cases of excessive perspiration. Natural remedies for the excessive sweat exist. Thus it is, you can fight your excessive perspiration using very simple remedies that you can prepare in house. If you want to eliminate your then hiperhidrosis I suggest to you you click here to read my better recommendations for the excessive sweat. Original author and source of the article.