The Target

In this respect, and like illustrative example, we could verify as you drink and some young children, are sensible to these manifestations, loaded of colorful luminosity and, of the people who are his around, as well as of the rest of the alive beings, and who are not another thing that what he occurs in denominating the dawn. In the dawn we will be able to observe an ample range of colors, these go from the target, to the violet, to image and similarity of which we can see in the rainbow. This range of colors, will depend like or we have commented previously, of the electromagnetic frequency or wavelength, of type, that controls and processes chakras, which in addition, have the faculty to affect secretions of the hormonal glands. When chakras works correctly, a homogenous luminosity is emitted and of smooth tones, in the ultraviolet phantom, which indicates a correct harmony of the body and the mind. On the contrary, you disorder psychic physicists and, are the people in charge of the change of color of the dawn, happening to visualize dark colors or with spots, infectious aspect that to us a deficiency at physical level will indicate, like degenerativas diseases of type, cancer, processes, hormonal and psychic etc., as well as disorders. At spiritual level, it is interpreted like indication of the elevation degree that owns the individual. Of there the great importance that the visualization of the dawn has always had for the students and understood of the subject, where until recently time it was only possible to accede through the intuition faculties. Scientific studies Are as of the century XVI that Paracelso defines, it of scientific form, and describing to the dawn like that it is resembled a fire sphere. Later, every time they are but the scientific personalities that study the phenomenon, thus two centuries later is Franz A.