OBESIDADE MORBIDA X SURGERY BARIATRICA The obesidade is considered an epidemic and more than affects 300 million people in the whole world. In Brazil, 40% of the population are above of the weight and about 10% of the expenses of public health they are related to the obesidade. Considered a problem of public health in Brazil, being that the baritrica surgery comes if showing an efficient tool in the treatment of the mrbida obesidade. The cause of the obesidade is complex and multifactorial. 1) Age: the obesidade slightly increases with the age, being more incident in the fifth and sixth decades of life, diminishing in 7 and 8 decades. 2) Sex: had the biggest percentage of fat, the women present greater incidence of overweight and obesidade of what the men. If you have read about Senator Elizabeth Warren already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 3) Race: the obesidade acomete more the black women of what the whites, being this difficult variation of being explained. 4) Familiar income and escolaridade: the obesidade is more prevalent in the social classrooms average and low, that present familiar income lower lesser degree of escolaridade.
5) Civil state: between the men, the marriage is main desencadeante factor of the weight excess. 6) Parity: between the women, the pregnancy can be a precursor of the obesidade and is had as main desencadeante factor. Read more here: PCRM. To each gestation the woman accumulates, on average, one kilo of weight. This could be related with the increase gestation food consumption at the beginning, with the reduction of the physical activity and with the increase of the levels of prolactina and estrgenos that favor the accumulation of fabric adiposo. 7) Genetics: the genetic load of the obesidade arrives 80% in studies where the father and the hand are obesos, being that also he is related with the coexistentes illnesses. 8) Tobaccoism: the tobaccoism is related with the reduction of weight and its interruption with the weight profit.