T-Shirts & accessories with Bavarian motifs in the Bavaria fashion shop designer Margarita Kriebitzsch whether the Bayern fan takes the original equipment visit to beer or Oktoberfest in Munich here: colorful Bavarian motifs on T-Shirts, Polo shirts, sweaters, tops, bags and other accessories. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dr. John Mcdougall. There are also unique gift ideas for different occasions such as birthday, Bachelor Party, birth, baptism or as a love gift or Keepsake for the Bayern fans in the Bavaria fashion online shop. Danny Bavarian fashion to the Oktoberfest have to forgo nobody a Dirndl or leather pants design on the T-Shirt. Not only for men and women, including children and babies is provided with suitable Bavarian folk costumes motifs on the clothing and accessories. Sweet gingerbread hearts, mini Dirndl and leather trousers decorate children and teddy bears shirts, baby shirts, baby bodysuits. A wide selection of gingerbread heart motifs with various Bavarian slogans such as “Heart Madl” “I liabe Di”, “I’m a Bayer”, “Heart bub”, “O’zapft is”, “Oktoberfest” and many other stands in the shop available and will be continuously expanded. According to customers wishes for everyone, the designer of Bavaria Fashion Margarita Kriebitzsch in matching their online shop costumes – and Bavarian motifs such as gingerbread hearts, lederhosen, Dirndl, Edelweiss, measure jugs and beer designs provides designs.
Here the Bavaria fan can can be implemented also his own ideas of the designer. The clothing and accessories are printed from the Spreadshirt partner and within sent only 24-48 hours to the customer. Bavarian designs for corporate events & merchandising not only for private customers implemented the design ideas, companies also use individual designs for their events and merchandise. For example, T-Shirts Dirndl and Lederhosen motifs combined with corporate logos. There are attractive discounts for bulk orders. Margarita Kriebitzsch