Philologists of the future will not be quite serious study of poetry, published on the site. It is momentary. And in eternity can only enter by typing his poems in a book published, including in our poetry collections. And we given a chance to several thousands of contemporary Russian, not afraid of the word poets. Yes, the level of poetry in the competition is very different. Yes, there's frankly weak work, but we got such a powerful slice of modern Russian poetry, and that for that alone I would have put us a monument. About the monument course I'm kidding.
But it is very important. We gathered at the site and in the collections of all that was at the table and pylilos attics, that was not available to the general the public and we now have in hand a document – here it is a modern Russian poetry. That's what they think people today who write poetry in Russian and that's how they write. We wonder send their almanacs for higher education institutions and libraries. We want these verses really got into the history of Russian literature. In order to get them noticed philologists and teachers of literature and it is possible that some of the authors of our poetry really will be opened by experts and will take its rightful place among Russian poets. Not variety that will go down in history texts today, and these poetic lines. Maybe I say a bit pompous, but I say what I think.