In medical literature, symptom is any alteration of the normal perception that a person has of its proper body, of its metabolism, its sensations, being able or not to express an illness indication. Symptoms are, frequently, confused with signals, that are perceived or measured alterations for another person, generally, for a health professional. The difference between symptom and signal is that the signal can be perceived by another person, without the story or communication of the patient; the symptom is the complaint told for the patient, but that it only obtains to perceive. Symptoms are subjective, citizens to the interpretation of the proper patient. The description of the symptoms varies enormously in function of the culture of the patient, as well as in result of the valuation that each person of to its proper perceptions. In the vision of the autogerenciamento, three .causing factors of the depressive picture exist: Organic? Chemistry? Existential ORGANIC Disequilibrium in the production of enzymes and hormones, on the part of adoecido agency, or, then, for loss of its function, which had to the aging, produces in the organism psychic alterations such as picture of depression, phobias etc. These pictures intervene with the thought, behavior and in the learning. With treatment medicamentoso is possible to reorganize the organism and the person comes back, in turn, to its normal life.
The depressive pictures, in such situation, characterize signals and symptoms of a organic illness and not of a psychic illness. The more early the medicamentoso treatment will be initiated, more quickly the depressive symptoms will disappear. CHEMICAL chemical substance Contact or ingestion (alcohol, cocaine, remedies, etc.) also produces picture of depression and phobias. In some cases, with the suspension or elimination of the .causing substance of the evil, the organism reencontra its balance and the signals and depressive symptoms revealed disappears and the life of the person if it normalizes.