Medical Literature

In medical literature, symptom is any alteration of the normal perception that a person has of its proper body, of its metabolism, its sensations, being able or not to express an illness indication. Symptoms are, frequently, confused with signals, that are perceived or measured alterations for another person, generally, for a health professional. The difference between symptom and signal is that the signal can be perceived by another person, without the story or communication of the patient; the symptom is the complaint told for the patient, but that it only obtains to perceive. Symptoms are subjective, citizens to the interpretation of the proper patient. The description of the symptoms varies enormously in function of the culture of the patient, as well as in result of the valuation that each person of to its proper perceptions. In the vision of the autogerenciamento, three .causing factors of the depressive picture exist: Organic? Chemistry? Existential ORGANIC Disequilibrium in the production of enzymes and hormones, on the part of adoecido agency, or, then, for loss of its function, which had to the aging, produces in the organism psychic alterations such as picture of depression, phobias etc. These pictures intervene with the thought, behavior and in the learning. With treatment medicamentoso is possible to reorganize the organism and the person comes back, in turn, to its normal life.

The depressive pictures, in such situation, characterize signals and symptoms of a organic illness and not of a psychic illness. The more early the medicamentoso treatment will be initiated, more quickly the depressive symptoms will disappear. CHEMICAL chemical substance Contact or ingestion (alcohol, cocaine, remedies, etc.) also produces picture of depression and phobias. In some cases, with the suspension or elimination of the .causing substance of the evil, the organism reencontra its balance and the signals and depressive symptoms revealed disappears and the life of the person if it normalizes.

Good Mood – The Best Way To Beauty

Agree that a woman in a good mood always looks much more attractive than one that is in a gloomy frame of mind, even if it is the owner of a perfect appearance and wearing a "brand-new." Looking at such beauty and wonder, "OK, but something was missing." A missing important – the inner light, which can make ugly beautiful. When a woman is in a good mood, she seemed lit from within: the eyes are burning, cheeks rosy, friendly smile on his face is, the gait is light, flying, and men escorted a woman looks. But alas, many of us have somehow neglected such an effective tool for beauty, as a good mood. A lot of money we spend on expensive cosmetics, fashion stylists and famous plastic surgeons. And about his state of mind to forget. Meanwhile, there is nothing that makes the man as a sincere smile. This is even physiological explanation available. Good mood and positive emotions improve circulation, push back the onset of old age.

Conversely, negative emotions, anger, frustration, cause vasospasm, which is reflected the nutrition of the skin. And finally, the smile remains young and beautiful face. With a smile, only 17 umyshts strain, while the sullen grimace – 43 muscles, which is why a person's face, constantly dwelling in the dark state, with time becomes unpleasant, repulsive features, it appears deep wrinkles. And no makeup can not hide them. As the famous Coco Chanel said, 'In twenty years, the woman's face from God, in the thirty – how she managed to create his own, and fifty person must be earned.

Healthy Attitude to Food

During the occurrence of the episodes, they must be gifts at least three of the pointers: – To eat much more fast that the normal one; – To eat until feeling itself desconfortvel physically; – To ingest great amounts of food, exactly being without hunger; – To eat alone for feeling itself ashamed of the amount of ingested food; – To feel itself guilty and/or depressed the episode after. These feelings can take the individual to present new episodes of binge eating, forming thus a cycle. The person with alimentary compulsion if does not use of inadequate compensatory methods as, for example, the purgation and the concern irrational with the weight and corporal form. Finally, a new criterion for the TCAP has been suggested the auto-evaluation based on the weight and the form of the body, since this aspect seems to differentiate obesos with and without TCAP (CLAUDINO, BORGES, 2002). Nervous anorexy Amongst the pincipais upheavals of the alimentary behavior, meets it nervous anorexy (AN), being first to be described no longer century XIX, and the first one to be adequately classified and to have recognized operational criteria already in the decade of 1970 (ROPES, 2004).

According to DSM-IV (APA-1994) the etiology of this nervous clutter this strong related with the family. Where many individuals with AN are proceeding from families with characteristic controllers and it lacks of an adequate education. Victims of sexual abuse also are inclined to this fraternos illness, twin and relatives of first degree of people that has IN, being to this last one suggested a component biological also. The great majority (up to 90%) of the people who develop IN is of the feminine sex being able to also occur in men adolescent or young, as in a child next the puberty or a woman to more age also in the menopause. People with IN demonstrate incapacity to keep the corporal weight in at least 85% of ideal for its IMC (index of corporal mass), which had to the fear to lose the control on its weight or to become ' ' gorda' '.


The lines on the palms – this is the karmic marks of past karma (past life), present and future in karmic terms. Change the karma can only be the very life of man, his spiritual (and karma) by choosing between good and evil, good or bad actions and deeds, not risunochkom at their fingertips. Primitive man painted on the body images of different animals to obtain their properties and qualities: a deer – for speed racing, Tiger – for courage and ferocity, etc. Now this raises a smile. Many primitive people drew on his body the bull to get physical strength bull. But now everybody knows: in order to become 'inflated bull' (bodybuilder) be long and hard bodybuilders (bodybuilding) in the gym. Want the body of an athlete – "Pump the iron '(film about a young Arnold Schwarzenegger), and if anabolic steroids and hormonal (pharmacological agents). At Dr. John Mcdougall you will find additional information. Only hard work will make a man out of 'inflated bull' – the athlete, not a bull tattooed on his body.

That is the real work on themselves, rather than drawing can change something in my life. Arnold Schwarzenegger (the most famous bodybuilder in the world) for many years heavy and hard to lift weights. Of will he had enough. That will – the tool by which people can influence their destiny. Schwarzenegger has repeatedly becomes 'Mr. Olympia', then a famous film actor, then governor of California. All thanks to his own will, not tattoos.

Will in physiognomy expresses his lower jaw. Remember the movies with a young Schwarzenegger (his protruding lower jaw). The media was information that Schwarzenegger had surgery to reduce the lower jaw to improve appearance. Now he looks like a young man. But will they have left. It is thanks to his will (real action), he became 'Pumped bykom'-bodybuilder, movie actor and then governor of California.

Elisabeth Kubler Ross

It is clearly that it interests, to psychiatry and the medicine to improve the quality of the death (as always it tried to make in relation to the quality of the life), that the patient reach this period of training of acceptance in peace, with dignity and welfare emotional. Thus occurring, the process until the death could be tried in climate of serenity on the part of the patient and, for the side of that they are, of comfort, understanding and contribution it stops with the patient. When trying to banish the death of the scene of the life, it operates a process of fear and anguish. Elisabeth Kubler Ross (1977), a psychiatrist Swiss-American, approaches in its studies on the death in the hospitals, the five periods of training that the people cross with regard to the death, and that they occur in the following order: negation? it has the negation of the death; anger – when one perceives that it does not have more as to deny the condition; bargain – revolt and other feelings in the expectation of that if it can revert; depression – when it starts to really see the condition and that it does not have more what to make, presenting, many times, remorse of what it left to make, feeling itself defeated impotent; acceptance – physically it is felt weakker, it wants to be alone and to sleep. In this last period of training it is when the professional absorbs the idea of the death. The profile and the affective sensitivity of each one, as well as the set of the lived experiences, have important paper in the chore with the death. Fentipo, that it is the somatria of the genes of the personality with the influence of the destination on them, can in such a way potencializar the fear of the death how much to help to coexist the conscience of the finitude better.


The cognitivo error is tied with the formal learning, to already established, that it depends on knowledge so that does not happen. The person is evaluated for what already she learned. She has a daily pay-determination in the judgment. I take the blame myself or am guilty for not having used the knowledge of adequate form. Already the existential error is tied with a picture of choices.

The person makes the choice, however later only is that it will verify it made if it correctly or not. It does not have a daily pay-determination in the judgment. The guilt feeling, in this situation, occurs later to the choice, after its experience. It agrees to understand that, at the moment where the choice was made, it was, who knows, the best option; however, with passing of the time, it was verified that it was not well thus. Why blaming in them in such a way for something whose resulted not yet we knew? In the reality, the guilt that we feel does not come properly of the error in itself, but in the way as we react when we make inadequate choices. We must be less rigid, in our auto-evaluation. At last! The existential autogerenciamento, when displaying its vision of error, beyond having as objective teaching in them to deal with our errors of different form, each one in its context; it also teaches to us not in such a way disturbing in them with them. The form that you introjeta the guilt are determinative in the way to interact with it.

The autopunio is directly on to this agreement. According to existential autogerenciamento the systematic autopunio and the medicalizao of the suffering finish unchaining adoecimento process. Why we blame in them unnecessary? It will be that we are we forget that still we are human! If it does not forget! Yesterday already he was future, already it was present and today it is passed.

Willpower, Personality: Dispelling Some Myths

Willpower and a person's character is generally reduced to two basic qualities: ability to samopobuzhdeniyu in achieving the goals in front of and ability to adequately carry adverse life circumstances. It is well known, moreover, that those marked with a visible presence among them of some "inner strength", have an outstanding reputation in virtually all human societies. Thus, the value of these strong properties is very valuable and desirable property. Note that neither the scientific nor, even more so – in the popular literature there is no common view on the issue of whether or not the people of this "force". For the most part are categorical recommendations that will need to "educate", "strengthen", "chill" …

Anyone who is capable of systematic action in this direction, it is believed to popular belief, a person strong and worthy of respect ("solved – did"), others – are classified as' indecisive ',' spineless' and 'weak-willed. " We here do not care about those criteria and rules that society values people who are not having a strong-willed qualities. – Based on the fact that "Truth is not determined by majority vote," and referring to the immutable rule that any process developed in strict accordance with its internal laws, to take into account that society generally is not inclined to (the age-old folk wisdom, though, says that "Every measure must be judged him"). Knowledge of these laws, along with the fact has proven problematic, Considering the book market infested psychological theories and all sorts of esoteric 'revelations'.