Topics For Political Reform In Colombia

The country want to be debated a reform of truth. Eva Andersson-Dubin has similar goals. A reform that touch the bottom, in addition to the form. The topics can be many and it will be necessary to achieve a patriotic agreement to introduce the provisions necessary in our Magna Carta. I will make a list of topics that I think are the most important and in future articles I go over each one of them.One of the thick items should be compulsory voting. Long ago we have been avoiding, because there has never been a real interest of our ruling class, accustomed makes time to clientelistic practices that would be seriously eroded with the passage of compulsory voting.

The consequence is that Colombia today belongs to that small (two or three) number of countries that do not have it enshrined in its Constitution. The discussion should focus on the consecration of the vote due in all elections, with the enunciation of heavy fines and other types, for those who do not come to the polls. Another is the implantation of a system or parliamentary regime in our country. This regime has worked very well in developed countries with a long conformation of political culture, but adaptation to the Creole reality is not irrational. This political regime is characterized by a strong separation of different public authorities and the existence of regulatory mechanisms accurate in case of disagreements between the Executive and the legislative branch, or Parliament. The Government must have the confidence of the majority in Parliament because it is accountable to it, and must resign every time that you do not count the majorities in the collegiate or having the power to dissolve Parliament and call new elections. The head of the Executive is bipartite: the head of State (President, King or other) that embodies the continuity of the State being irresponsible politically speaking and the head of the Government (usually called Prime Minister) who is in charge of Administrative Affairs and Government policies in general.Other topics are: the unicameral composition of our legislative branch and reducing the number of Congressmen or parliamentarians; the total funding of the elections by the State, combined with the prohibition of certain practices harmful to democracy as a veiled vote buying through payment of criers, gift of t-shirts or other clothing, much of the advertising, etc.; return to federalism or an allocation fairer and more efficient for the fiscal resources of the State; the famous empty chair; the indefinite presidential re-election and re-election of mayors and Governors, along with the redefinition of the structure and functions of the assemblies and councils; the abolition of the Comptroller or the popular election of Comptrollers and spokespersons, etc, etc, etc.