The Birth Chart

Who can create a birth chart for the first time that it was an astrologer, or – less desirable – a written computer horoscope, which will probably be amazed: It is the exact birth time is required, which is recorded at the registry of birth place. Astrology and horoscopes perhaps less a “precise science” And what exactly is the decisive moment to take a birth chart The operative time for a birth chart is the first independent breath of new-to-earth citizen, because then he or she is a physically separate beings, with independent blood circulation and breathing. The normal hitherto hole in the cardiac septum begins to close. Most of the time in hospital is not stated exactly in this moment, so that the birth time is for a birth chart minimally false. The time-sensitive astrological houses continue to wander around all axes of two minutes just a degree, so that gets over a lack of precision can be of perhaps two to three minutes in the birth chart. Unless theHouses axes, especially the ascendant, is located just at the transition from one zodiac to another. In such a case – usually unreliable permanent – astrological birth time correction is made, or simply find out by interviewing the client, in which the zodiac sign of the ascendant in the birth chart should be. Or both, which is very time consuming.