
It cannot treat all the equal sufferings, this because any person whom she deals with human suffering knows of this. You have a picture where the phenomenon of burnout occurs more or less systematically that it implies in the suffering. The citizen wants to educate and it does not obtain. … then it suffers because he does not obtain to educate right.

This implies more suffering and goes in a spiral and goes increasing, increasing and increasing. Sucintamente, what it intervenes with burnout, that is, in its incidence in greater or minor degree? Wanderlei Codo? The studies that people have fact, have shown that everything that happens in the education intervenes with burnout. If the wage is bad or irregular it intervenes increasing burnout; if the work conditions are better, diminish burnout; if the relations between the colleagues are good, burnout diminishes and if they are bad burnout increases; the relations you command with them are good burnout diminishes and if not, burnout increases; the relations with the pupils, the community, the parents of pupils if the civic conditions, if the possibility that the professor has of if perfecting etc, etc, etc everything intervenes with burnout. Burnout consists, thus, in a diagnosis instrument. That implications elapse of this condition? Wanderlei Codo – It happens that burnout was changedded into an excellent instrument of diagnosis. Burnout is today what it is the fever for the doctor. When it appears the fever, it can be for a thousand reasons, it is a signal clearly that some thing is missed.

E, through burnout, you can point, as well as with the fever. Through burnout you can point that she has a problem and this problem can be treated. Burnout is an instrument of excellent diagnosis because ale announces the problem before it estore. When you perceive a difficulty with you command, this in any work, not only with the educandor? When …