The professional of the nursing participates as integrant of the society and the actions that they aim at to satisfy to the necessities of the population. The lack of comprometimento of the professionals with the ethics is today the main desencadeante factor of illness in such a way in the health professionals, how much in the population in general. For Cohen and Segre (2002), the professional of the health area has responsibilities for obtains exactly, stops with the patient and stops with third (stops with the society, even stops with the profession and it stops with proper environment) 4. According to Reich (1995) apud Sbaraini (2006), biotica is the systematic study of the moral dimensions? including vision, decisions, behavior and politics moral? of sciences of the life and attention to the health, using a variety of ethical methodologies in a scene to interdisciplinar 5. Professional ethics and the nursing the practical one of the health professionals, in the hospital scope, come desumanizando front to the attention to the illness, and not to the sick being. To recognize and to promote the humanizao, to the light of ethical consideraes, demand an effort to review, mainly, attitudes and behaviors of the involved professionals direct or indirectly in the care of the patient, what also it is taken root in the Code of Ethics of the Professionals of Enfermagem (CEPE), evidencing that the professional codes of ethics, while expression of systems of values, explicitam the morality of a group, estimating the imposition of these values, and not it its questioning 6.