
The pupil then passed for some examinations and doctors as peditrica cardiologia, infantile neurology, and others, where they had told to its problem and the cares that must have so that the same it acquired resulted in its learning. So that it was possible this study, I made you vary visits, in the schools where the pupil studies, informal colloquies with professors, coordinators, articuladores and interview written with the parents I contend 36 questions where they comment on the development of the child since the birth tie the current age. CONSIDERAES FINAL the study of the learning process human being and its difficulties are developed by the Psicopedagogia, taking themselves in consideration realities internal external, looking for to understand of global form cognitivos, emotional, organic, familiar, social and pedagogical the processes that they determine to the condition of the citizen and intervene with the learning process, being made possible situations that rescue the learning in its totality in pleasant way. The pertaining to school learning is considered a natural process, that results of a complex mental activity, in which the thought, the perception, the emotions, the memory, the previous motricidade and knowledge are involved and where the child must feel the pleasure in learning. Rare the learning difficulties have only cognitivas origins. To attribute to the proper pupil its failure, considering that it has some comprometimento in its psicomotor development, cognitivo, linguistic or emotional (colloquy very, is slow, does not make the house lesson, does not have assimilation, among others.), familiar desestruturao, without considering, the learning conditions that the school offers this pupil the other intra-pertaining to school factors that favor not the learning. The difficulties of learning in the school, can be considered one of the causes that can lead the pupil to the failure pertaining to school. We cannot disrespect that the failure of the pupil also can be understood as a failure of the school for not knowing to deal with the diversity of its pupils.