In any urban market is usually possible to find a great variety of plants of any plant, fruit as well as decorative. Buying these plants often have a situation that seedlings do not survive and die almost immediately. Many believe that this is normal – in fact 100 percent survival rate does not happen, and go buy plants again and again, and the pattern repeats. In fact, of course, is true, but that's only normal healthy seedlings, transplant them at the correct percentage of survival rate close to 97%. The question arises – how to distinguish between plants that take root properly and will long to please his harvest from obviously bad in this regard? To do this you need to know some theoretical aspects. Hardwood (ie, non-coniferous) plants under the age of 5-8 years can be transplanted bare-root.
In the nurseries of their digging is special instruments, thus the plant remains normal root system and ensures high survival rate (95% if the transplant on the same day). All plants do not tolerate drying the root system. Therefore, if can not be quickly transplanted seedling dug, place the root system of plants in the so-called clay mash. It dries to create the roots of a protective crust that will not let the roots dry out. When buying seedlings from bare-root in it worth a look. If you can not buy plants to transplant in the day, it must be prikopat.
In prikopat as seedlings may persist for several months. Advantage seedlings from bare-root is their low cost, disadvantages are the short period of planting (plants planted in the spring before bud break or fall in the second half of September – October) and a higher percentage of outburst during landing. Does not fit this way of preparing seedlings for large (in size and age) of plants and for most softwoods. Plants with closed root system are sold in two kinds – in plastic containers and with packed dirt clod. In plants grown in a container you can always carefully remove the pot, without causing him harm at the same time (which is done at planting). Earthy components typically heavily laced with and enmeshed roots, not falling apart. A good sign is the presence of fine roots in the container walls and a small amount of weeds on the soil surface. Also, when buying plants is paid to the region from which brought planting material. Zoned plants better adapted to local climate, less capricious, succeed better and easier to tolerate frost.