The prostate gland is observed passing through two main stages of growth during the life of a man. The first manifests itself quite fast growth during the early years of puberty the prostate, more or less, doubles in size. The second stage of growth begins in the middle of a man of the 1920s and this phase is a much slower growth that continues throughout life, but reaching the 50 it is suitable that its growth is observed by the physician for the problems that this generates. When the symptoms caused by prostate enlarged now begin to appear and a visit to the doctor will reveal the presence of nothing more than a simple enlargement of the prostate. In medical terms, the doctor tells you that you are suffering from BPH which is benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The prostate is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder partially. As the prostate grows, the tissue that surrounds it restricts its expansion and cause prostate put pressure around the urethra, which restricts the flow through the urethra. At the same time, the thick wall of the bladder and the bladder begins shrinkage even when it contains relatively small amounts of urine. Eventually, the bladder weakens and loses its ability to contract and therefore the urine becomes trapped in the bladder. Precise symptoms experienced as result of an enlarged prostate clearly vary from person to person, but generally, the first signs will produce a change in its pattern of urination or difficulty in urinating. You can find, for example, that you begin to experience a weak stream of urine or that the flow appears hesitant, they tend to stop and start. It may also find that you can not endure and runs to the bathroom feels that it is urgent.
Trips to the bathroom also may become more frequent, especially during the night, and you can also observe a trend towards the loss of urine or drip. In some cases may be completely unaware of any problems until he suddenly discovers that he cannot urinate at all. In this case, refers to acute urinary retention, the underlying problem is often caused by common medications that contain a decongestant and used in cold and allergy treatments. Acute urinary retention can also be caused by alcohol, cold, or a long period of immobility. In the majority of cases these symptoms are the result simply of an enlarged prostate, and this will be confirmed by a visit to his doctor, who often can treat the problem quite easily. It is, however, important that you actually visit your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms since, in a small number of cases, can be indicative or underlying problem more serious, such as prostate cancer. A visit to the doctor is also essential since, although many cases of BPH can be treated fairly easily, the condition may lead an infection of the urinary tract, damage to the bladder or kidneys, stones in the bladder and incontinence.