Chemo Helps Cancer Patients

Up to three times more than just chemotherapy will be cancer patients treated with heat therapy (hyperthermia) in combination with chemotherapy, they benefit two to three times more than when they are treated only with chemotherapy. That, as is now known, was explored and others at the University Hospital Dusseldorf. Treatment of Krebpatienten is one of the remains of the most expensive and most demanding services of the modern medicine. At the same time doctors care, be unnecessary to burden the patient with ineffective therapies. But now global first proved that it absolutely makes sense to treat patients in addition to chemotherapy with a thermal therapy (hyperthermia). Thereby, the tumor tissue in the body is heated so that it literally melts.

The clinic of Pediatric Oncology,-Hamatologie and Clinical Immunology of the University Hospital Dusseldorf had participated in the study, which could now prove this connection. How exactly the heat therapy works and how the combination at the State affects the patient, read:../krebs_hyperthermie.php is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising.