What Is Love?

True love is an ongoing issue. Illustrations, pictures and descriptions of love can be found in any book, true love is every newspaper an ongoing issue. Illustrations, pictures and descriptions of love can be found in every book, every newspaper, every movie. It is the main theme of our lives. Everywhere it manifests itself, but so very well all the magazines, all mobile phones and the Internet are engaged in the representation and portrayal of love, this topic is so striking, is so hard to answer the question: what is love? How could mourning approaching the heart, which can truly love? (Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi) Love is the true force that enables us to become independent of experience throughout the world, i.e. may turn away from the world to, to love new framing to turn to her.

True love is an ongoing issue. Illustrations, pictures and descriptions of love can be found in every book, every newspaper, every movie. It is the main theme of our lives. Everywhere it manifests “, but so very well all the magazines, all cell phones and the Internet are engaged in the representation and portrayal of love, this topic is so striking, so hard is to answer the question: what is love?” It seems as if all the world does something to the content and meaning of existence, that she doesn’t understand. Everyone ponders and hesitates when the question of what is the love him.” He suspects or knows that short or terse, versatile and detailed descriptions give no answer. Only the way of love is the way of liberation for all people. But only if you also go to him and talk not only about. Their own decision and their own doing are crucial.

You’re going the way, you will experience true miracles. Check out Unum for additional information. All the wonders of Heaven are in your heart! Did you see already a small bird which starts to fly? First, he opens the wing, the wing is mediator between matter and air. You’re Mensch.Dein arm is your wings. First you need to love, then you’re going to fly can. The right love is true love, that what people today understand by love, but what isn’t love. I call it”therefore the misunderstood love. But also for the people, love is an achievable way – it’s even easy to love. People just don’t know love. They have completely forgotten it, and this is part of their involvement in the depth and cause of all disease, all suffering, all pain, all fear, all misfortune in our world. The creation of love which also give others as you love yourself, love also the value that you give yourself, the others just see the others as you yourself always look, speak about others, how you speak about yourself. Am you never the suffering of others help, give your love from your heart there is only abundant, pool never other people, always human, be respectful and mindful, then you will be happy forever. You can find everything you’re also looking for, even back in you, be alert and do not your heart in the world go blind. Say never, I can do nothing and help anyone, you could do that pain also relieve your people. onder Demir