Oral surgery is a medical discipline that requires an advanced post-graduate training, as well as an experience prolonged exercise. An oral surgeon, can handle a wide variety of problems relating to the mouth and teeth, problems that generally range from dental implantology until the removal of wisdom teeth. Own oral surgeon’s skills include the reconstruction of the jaw bone anatomy, activity crucial to achieve an increase of bone height and width necessary to accommodate dental implants. Today this technique is very important in order to provide patients with tooth absence a stable, comfortable and sustainable treatment in time). Among the most recurrent pathologies within the oral surgery third molars that are wisdom teeth that have not gone out and are within the bone underneath the gums are we must bear in mind that an included of the wisdom teeth can cause infections, about everything when is inclusion is partial and the molar is communicated with the mouth. This situation can also damage adjacent teeth, causing cavities, periodontal pathology in the adjacent gums, swollen gums, cysts and even tumors, although the latter are not too frequent.How to treat this pathology? In principle, a panoramic x-ray and a clinical examination will help the surgeon to predict whether a wisdom or not to cause problems in the future.
If the probability of future complications is significant shall be an extraction of the same. As data, say that the approximate age of the wisdom teeth eruption is situated between 17 and 21 years of age by the extraction of these wheels in very young patients tends to be easier, because the roots of the molar are not fully developed (usually speak a much more rapid intervention and with a postoperative less complex). Usually after the intervention, the patient will have the area swollen for a few days, being the first two critics in terms of inconvenience. However after the second day the inconvenience will be referring. Today thanks to the possibilities existing in the good combination of thoroughly studied medications, can be can be very effectively counteract such postoperative discomfort.In addition there are a series of guidelines for the postoperative period that gives the surgeon and that, complementing with the prescribed medication, they will serve to expedite to the maximum to the recovery reduce significantly the effects of discomfort.