Talk Surgery

The nose is the center of the face and therefore inevitably attracts glances. Shape and size of the nose depends largely on the overall impression of the exterior. The shape of the nose affecting national characteristics, genetic predisposition and external factors. Because the nose – a prominent part of his face and quite fragile, rare to find a man never gets his injury. Consequences of injury is the curvature of the shape and location of the nasal partition that causes breathing problems – for example, such as snoring or apnea.

It is important to remember that snoring – is not a harmless phenomenon, and can even be deadly. Those who are dissatisfied with the size and shape of the nose or may not fully breathe, you can help, having rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty – plastic surgery to correct the shape, size, and defects of the internal structure of the nose (acquired and congenital). A detailed description of the rhinoplasty was first found in the book , an Indian, written around 600 bc. He described a method for reconstructing the nose through the flap of skin from the cheek.

In this case, attempts were made to arrange the wings and holes, that is not only restore the lost nose, but also to give it shape. Interestingly, the Indian way of reconstruction of the nose, of course in a modified and improved form, has reached today. Despite the long history of rhinoplasty remains one of the most difficult sections of plastic surgery today. Complex anatomy of the nose and the need to accurately recreate its correct form required by the surgeon impeccable artistic taste, vast experience and high professionalism. In addition, the physician should take into account the peculiarities of each person to a new nose looks natural, harmonious and looked stressed individuality. The new nose should not be look like foreign body and stamping on his face. Decided on a rhinoplasty? Where to begin, of course, with a consultation with a plastic surgeon. You probably have an idea of how you want to see your nose. During the inspection, and Talk plastic surgeon will be able to assess how realistic your expectations and suggest the most optimal amount of intervention. Before the plastic surgery is necessary to identify all possible risk factors (Blood clotting, previous surgery on the nose, injuries, medications and other factors.) What will happen in the operating room at the time of surgery the patient undergoes general or, if its poor tolerability, a local anesthetic. By Indeed, plastic nose is the separation of nose skin from bone and cartilage, which will lead to the desired shape.

Then the skin is restored. When the internal rhinoplasty incision is made inside the nostrils, more complex cases carried out external rhinoplasty with a small cut across the nose. In the second version after the operation remained small scars, but they are almost invisible. Average length of rhinoplasty approximately three hours. After surgery, when she rhinoplasty behind, comes the postoperative period, which takes place in several stages. In the first 2-5 days in the nose swabs are entered, holding a new form, so you have to breathe through your mouth. On operated nose impose a special bandage. In the first weeks after surgery there is post-traumatic swelling. To reduce swelling and accelerate healing phase experienced doctors perform special procedures rehabilitation. To normal life and work of the people can return in a week. However, the ultimate effect of rhinoplasty will be visible not earlier than one year, when the nose will take final shape.