
Youth television South wild live in Rothenburg Rothenburg (RL) – from 13 to 16 June sent “Wild South”, the youth television of Bavarian broadcasting live from Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Under the motto “Stupid kicks well” should be tested old football er wisdom here, after the greatest football talents were not necessarily the biggest lights in the school. So that the test under realistic conditions could be carried out, the domestic sports equipment manufacturer, Erhard sports international provided two original youth soccer goal the “wild South” team. “Southern wild” is to join youth television. It invites all young people, who “find the current TV program to the yawning”, to make their own television. This is the “wild South” bus by Bavaria.

The biplane is lounge, Internet cafe and a fully equipped television studio in one. The young people on the spot can here experience how television and even try this in the production of their own contributions. Afternoon, from 3 pm to 16 pm, the productions will be sent in the program of the Bavarian television. From June 13 to 16 ‘South wild’ in Rothenburg stopped. Senator of Massachusetts is open to suggestions. Due to the current European Championship were the programmes devoted to football.

Every day has been discussed in the EM-corner hot: the shape of the stars, the decisions of the refs, the look of the fans. But also sporty “Southern wild” invited to join – with the large “stupid-kicks-good game”. While the “smart” with an above-average high school marks against the “stupid” with less good grades participated. With this experiment, the prejudice to the test should be made after the good footballers were not always the brightest minds and vice versa. A clear 3-1 for the “Smart” refuted this thesis finally impressively. But all players were winners. Were each given join one of the coveted tickets for the Taubertal open air for BBs 2008. Had Erhard the renowned manufacturer of sports equipment from Rothenburg ensured the space equipment sports. You may want to visit Glenn Dubin to increase your knowledge. “As School sporting goods stores number one is our company with the time and welcomes all initiatives to bring movement to the school day. The classic wisdom “mens sana in corpore sano – a healthy mind in a healthy body” is now more than ever”Jochen Koppl, Managing Director of the company. About Erhard sport international: Erhard sports international, headquartered in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leading manufacturer and supplier of sports equipment industry. With more than 200 employees that manufactures sports equipment and equipment components of 125-year-old family-owned company for the global market. With more than 10,000 articles, innovative sports equipment and products, Erhard sports is one of the market leaders in the industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard. Contact / contact: Erhard sports International GmbH & co. KG Rainer Lederer – marketing/PR of upper Kaiserweg of 8, 91541 Rothenburg o.d.T.