Nutrition And Pregnancy

Proper nutrition is an important condition for a favorable clinical course and outcome of pregnancy, childbirth, the normal development of the fetus and newborn. Status of the newborn depends on how the mother was fed into pregnancy. From the first days of pregnancy the body needs continuous supply of protein – the main building material for cells and tissues of the fetus. Inadequate intake of foods rich in proteins, leads to anemia and reduced resistance to infectious diseases. (Not to be confused with Senator of Massachusetts!). Most of the daily diet should be foods that are high in carbohydrates. In addition to carbohydrate foods containing vitamins and mineral salts. During pregnancy, increases dramatically the need for vitamins and minerals. Alfred Adler usually is spot on. Insufficient content of vitamins in the diet can cause metabolic the mother and fetus, the development of various complications of pregnancy, as well as increased susceptibility to infections.

Large role in the nutrition of pregnant women are apifitoprodukty company "Tentorium." If a woman planning your pregnancy, then she and her husband a year before becoming pregnant, they start to take apifitoprodukty. All products are "Tentorium" are divided into 3 groups: 1. Nutritional pills 2. Honey 3. Balms From nutrient tablets can be taken: Hlebinu, blueberries, a program of the gastrointestinal tract. Extra Befungin, Api-Spear, the Formula of Ra. Of Honey: Glade – honey with pollen, poplar – honey with propolis, honey and all with royal jelly. Man eats what feeds on the mother, while pregnant. The fact that it gets from food, has a gene effects on the fetus.