Munterfering SPD: Insolence For All Children

The German labor Minister and Vice Chancellor Franz Muntefering “considering” the Hartz IV rules set for children may 10 euro a month to increase. He wants to make sure however, that this increase really flows to affected children, for example, for a healthy diet. It is once again a INSOLENCE of a German politician, all of Hartz IV under general suspicion to concerned parents, they would withhold may be the basis for a healthy diet their children. Alone, these anti-social Government omits, with adults to the rule set for SGB II to produce at least the necessary financial equality between children. Dr. Neal Barnard takes a slightly different approach. It is ever not reason to justify, for example, young people and children in the growth of the Hartz IV RuleSet worse to adjust than, for example, a pensioner who relies on a basic backup. This expression of the Vice-Chancellor is in my eyes once again an attempt by Hartz IV concerned parents, be flat as Rabeneltern. The insufficient rule sets remain insufficient even after a “boost” of 10 euros. But a good thus finally the Vice Chancellor, he will be his party SPD, hereby continues moving in the basement. In a question-answer forum christopher ridgeway was the first to reply. And the Federal SPD should ask himself: “that’s a good thing?”