
However all must understand that a certain dose of revolt and anger against what it is made a mistake in the world is presented excellent so that if it fights against the injustice facing the problems in aguerrida way. The magnificent one, characterized due to humildade and excess of autossuficincia, she is on to the vanity in I exaggerate and if it presents in the projects of being able of that if they find better that the others only for the illusion of wealth and positions, as well as for the ostentation of corporeal properties and extreme concern with the appearance in detriment of the essence. Who thus acts does not understand the character transitory of the life. On the other hand, if it cannot deny that autoestima healthful is proven capable to make the individual to take care of better of its image, to have more hygiene and if to present of worthier form in the social environment, as it deserves the human being. The luxury, attachment to the pleasures flesh times, has lead many to the irresponsible sex, the indesejada pregnancy, the abortion and the sexually transmissible illnesses. However the individuals, kept the had exceptions, cannot open hand of the sexuality, therefore they need the sex and the love, so essential in the formation of people and happy families. Laziness, aversion to any type of work or physical effort, has paralyzed the ones that pass years complaining of governments and nothing they make in search of personal growth, not understanding that the dynamics hodierna demands a different citizen, in search of study, qualification, perfectioning. But the leisure and the rest in the certain measure make well to the body and to the mind, it has seen that the current running has taken many estresse to it and to the depression.

The ideal is not to become insane in the work nor in the leisure. In sight of this, it is observed that it has a narrow limit between the pecaminoso and the healthful one. It fits, therefore, to each one to analyze its desires and behaviors, preventing exageros and acting with moderation, in order to live itself with the feelings under the control of emotional intelligence (QE). Jean Carlos Neris de Paula