Foot Suffering

It was me good for having been afflicted, so that estatutos&#039 learned yours; ' (ITSELF 119,71). Clearly that the Salmista was not adept of the wrong affirmation: ' ' If it does not come for love, comes for dor' '. Nothing more false such to think. Mr. is not thus benevolent to act. Its limitless goodness never attracts by the suffering.

Although it can the USA-Io to disclose the glory of its love to its creatures. But am-Lo does not stop forcing somebody. We have difficulty in loving the ones that make in them to suffer. ' ' But, you cheer to you in the measure where you are co-participants of the sufferings of Christ so that also in the revelation of its glory alegreis you exultando' ' (1 Foot 4,13). The suffering in the ones of the most alive appreciation of the redentora workmanship. It makes us conscientious of the results of the sin and helps to us to create it a yearning per the day where the sin more will not exist.

peace after the affliction is an experience that nobody can appreciate, with exception of that had suffered; the resurrection happens with the crown in face de a Cruz. The communion with Christ in Its sufferings is a privilege that not even the angels have. The suffering folloies the human being since the birth until a death. The act of being born already involves, according to specialists, some types of pains. The muscular distenses in practically all the muscles of the body are doloridas. The penetration of the oxygen in the pulmes provokes a deep pain. The ears if open to receive the vibrations sonorous, what also cause much pain. From the birth, each individual goes learning that suffering it is part of the life. ' ' Everything occurs equally to all; the same it occurs to just and the mpio, the good one and the pure one, as to the impure one; thus what it sacrifices as what does not sacrifice; thus to the good one as to the pecador; what it swears as what fears juramento.' ' (Ec 9: 2) ' ' They suffer bad and the good ones.