Efficient Solution

The Conductiva company in line creates a program of invoicing for independent and small companies that allow to a saving of time and FacturDirecta money are the application Web that the Conductiva company has created, with the aim of offering a considerable improvement in the enterprise management for independent and the small companies. In the days of crisis like the present ones in which to reduce costs is one of the principles priorities of any company, Conductiva has removed to market one proposals innovating that allow the small industralist to manage of agile and comfortable form all the invoicing, to create budgets, to control victories, to control the expenses and to manage the data of the clients and suppliers. To broaden your perception, visit Eva Andersson-Dubin. To save time and money, power to accede easily to the invoices from any place, to have the maximum security and confidentiality of

The information and to use always the up-to-date version more of the program is the main advantages of FacturDirecta. A service low COST, of easy operation and intuitive, that it does not ask to install nothing in the computer, already that it is possible to be controlled from Internet. FacturDirecta is born with the aim of giving answer to independent and small companies before the impossibility to have the same programs of accounting of the great companies. Normally the small companies use the Word or excel to realise their invoices, two applications little adapted for this use and that can entail disadvantages like the document duplicity or problems of security in the storage of these. In addition, FacturDirecta is based on the shield of the security and the fulfillment of the Law of Protection of Datos (LOPD) to overcome the distrust that can wake up to the users to have the invoicing kept in Internet. The cost of the service adapts to the needs of the client, so that an independent one can use the gratuitous version if it has a volume under monthly invoices, but always can contract a version of payment with more capacity if it increases the invoicing to him. More information in:.