First I explain to them that I mean with collect e-mails. With collect e-mails I am referring to put a form on your web page that will ensure that your visitors enter your real e-mail address to then be able to communicate with them. Now that know this can’t happen to explain to them the importance of having a list of the e-mail addresses of their visits, and it is that it really turns out to be a very simple reason. Today collect a more optimized that this a page to sell a product is likely to the maximum ratio of conversion that you get to get is 15%, which means that 100 visitors you send to a site only 15 will buy a product. If we specialize in collector e-mails from visitors, i.e. we obtain the largest number of possible e-mails, we already have them in our hands so say it. We can send them emails 3 or more times per week; in these e-mails we do a small post giving interesting information, and motivating to be spend one again for our site and buy our product. That is the main purpose of collecting e-mails of our visitors; at one time or another become buyers, however, the usefulness of a list of e-mails is not there.
As they will already be thinking not is no reason to limit our possibilities and devote ourselves only to attract visitors to our site. We can also send visitors to sites of other people, buy their products and we receive a Commission. Just imagine the possibilities. If you have the miserable amount of 200 people and sent an e-mail to those 200 people promoting any other seller product, assuming that this related product with the product in which the visitors showed interest for the first time, i.e. our product, and assuming that this producta is worth $ 40, we receive a Commission of 40% have a 10% conversion ratethen we would be winning $320 aproximademten only send an e-mail.
To succeed in this category the only thing must have in mind is our main objective. Convert to the people on our list of e-mails in buyers. All the e-mails that you send visitors must be by way of sales letters, e-mails should be to motivate them to buy, spend money, must demonstrate that they are buying something very beneficial for them and they are buying it at a ridiculous price. I hope that this article has served them, and they have decided to implement this strategy. I wish you the greatest of luck.