Better Ballance Camera

It is certainly written in your instructions to the camera. But at least a little self-respecting operator never entrust such an important function machine. Better Ballance white configure manually. For this purpose, a It will be convenient to carry around to shoot a piece of white cardboard. Here, PCRM expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Here’s how: disable automatic Ballance white (how to do it read the instructions to the camera) and give it up for manual configuration. Aim at the piece of white cardboard and miles budget control striving for, what would board saw in the window display white.

That’s it. 4.Osnovnye errors nachinayuschego. major mistake novice operator – shaking and flailing your camcorder while shoot! Remember! – The camera should be fixed. Moving objects in the scene and the camera stays put. In general, camera, certainly not to be absolutely motionless, on the contrary an experienced operator can always be captured by the camera in motion.

This makes for a tasty shot of perception. You can verify this by looking at any good film. But there is a difference between an experienced operator and, sorry, you. In order for the motion picture camera was decorated, but did not cause emetic reflex and vertigo need a lot of know how and have extensive experience in photography. Therefore, remove the camera steady. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Neal Barnard on most websites. To do this, it is best to use videoshtativ. Head videoshtativa mobile and allows you to monitor the camera for moving object in the frame. Tripod for this is not suitable because his head is not designed for a smooth ride and your video get choppy. Surveillance camera for a moving object – the first reception of the motion, which you I advise to learn. Second mistake – it is a constant game of zoom. Repeatedly noticed that the novice operator, started shooting immediately strives to use the function approximation – removal makes assaults on the object where it is necessary and which do not. In fact, zoom is not in order that would permanently use it during the shooting, but for whatever it was easier to set up an overview of the frame. Let me explain: the most convenient place for the operator, say at point A. The object shooting at point B. But in the scene, he is too far away. To bring it to the operator should stand closer to point C, but this point is something or someone is busy. Here and will zoom. With it, we approximate the object and start shoot. Zoom in the shot, I repeat, is rarely used but still in use. It can be used when necessary to emphasize some point or the end of the story. Attention should be paid here to the fact that under strong zoom becomes very difficult to stabilize the frame. The slightest hand-shake is a strong jump in the frame. The third major mistake an amateur – the display. Why it is considered escarpment open display and shoot elongated or bent arm looking at him. Judge for yourself how you can ensure immobility of the camera under these conditions. It is not surprising that such an operator on the screen turns melteshenie. The display should only be used when shooting tripod. When shooting with a hands wiser to hold the camera with both hands and look into the eyepiece. Camera so tightly to his head leaning against the operator and has at least the total weight of his body. Accordingly, shaking decreases. Lack of This method is expressed only when the camera motion, such as object tracking.