And You Know How To Eat During Pregnancy ?

It is finished, you have a baby … What you thought came in the first minute, when the emotions calmed down? Have you thought about that for the growth and development of your baby you need to change lifestyle? Yoga for pregnant women, a swimming pool? Perhaps the daily walks? And of course, you need to know how to eat during pregnancy – this will be our today's conversation. Can I eat good for the baby and tasty for the mother? Whether these are compatible concepts? Sure, it's possible. But now you have to try a little bit, because the need to completely abandon the smoked meats, fast food and any products developed as part of which has artificial colors, and vkusousiliteli preservatives. (Source: Dr. John Mcdougall). From this moment on your desk should be cooked you food. And it takes time! But I think you have prepared for this. Indeed, from this point to provide all necessary child – the most important goal for you. So how to eat properly during pregnancy? That the products should always be present in the diet of expectant mother? Of course, this protein, as they are – a key material for building the body of your child. Under most conditions Dr. Neal Barnard would agree.

Mushrooms, fish, dairy products, meat, eggs supply you with protein. For lovers of vegetarian food – the connection of cereals and beans (just such a combination will give you the full proteins): beans and rice, buckwheat and lentils. For the correct formation of fetal essential trace elements and vitamins. .