The first operations they made a linking of the beginning of the thin intestine with the final portion of the same, hindering that the ingested food passed and was absorbed by the 5 meters of thin intestine. These surgeries, although to provide great emagrecimento, led to serious malnutrition e, by this, had been abandoned until the research showed a safer way for these patients. Today, the surgery for cure of the mrbida obesidade is presented in the press and argued between them efficient congresses because in recent years, surgeries mdicosem had appeared, propitiating a emagrecimento with health. Three types of baritrica surgery are known, namely: Baritricas surgeries that basically provoke the emagrecimento hindering that the foods pass all for the thin intestine. They are the result of the evolution of those first described surgeries already and are called desabsortivas. The most known it is the operation of Scopinaro.
A part of the stomach also is removed, however, it has great reduction of food ingestion. Add to your understanding with endocrinologist. Baritricas surgeries that provoke the emagrecimento for diminishing the size of the stomach, making with that the patient eats little. They are, therefore called gastrorestritivas. The most known she is the Adjustable Gastric Band. This operation is carried through by video-laparoscopia and consists of if placing a band involving the stomach and making with that the ingested food is initially motionless in a small part of the stomach propitiating the saciedade sensation, what makes the person to feel itself satisfied and without hunger after to have eaten well little.
Baritricas surgeries that provoke the emagrecimento diminishing the stomach and also hindering that it has absorption for small part of the thin intestine. Therefore they are called mixing. The most known it is the operation of Capella-Fobi, a homage to the two surgeons had idealized who it. This has been the operation most used in Brazil because it presents, in general, a emagrecimento more effective than the Adjustable Gastric Band and a lesser malnutrition that the operation of Scopinaro.